
Comic, A5, 26 pages, 2020
An auto/biographical comic about my mother’s diagnosis with Asperger Syndrome at age 50 and our relationship.
The comic was published in “CLOSURE #9 – Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung” and is made available here.
Self-published zine of 100 prints in German language. An English version will be made available soon.

Video, 8 min., 2018-2021
Portrait of a small neighbourhood grocery store in Berlin, Moabit, and its owner Ali, who has been running the place for over 30 years and knows everyone in the neighbourhood. Shot in summer 2018.
Stereo, 15 min., 2020
The liminal space of coming out of sleep, going into consciousness based on dreams written down right after waking up.
Skate and Snack

Comic, A4, 2 pages, 2017
Two-page comic made during a workshop with Anna Haifisch to make an instruction manual.
No Matter Where You Go There You Are
Essay/Documentary, 80 min. 2016
The impression of a growing borderless, united world is at odds with the reality of it. This film essay explores shifting national identities in the globalizing world and questions increasingly porous binaries such as urban/rural, local/transnational, as well as new media, communication technologies, virtual worlds, non-places and daily life.
Created in collaboration with Pedro Ferreira during the one-month artist residency Traidhos in Chiang Mai (Thailand) in 2015.
Presented at
Porto/Post/Doc Porto (2016)
OFF Flaneur Festival Oslo (2016)
Bonobo Krakow (2016)
NADA Festival Porto (2016)
Viva Avalon

Comic, A4, 2 pages, 2016
A two-page comic about restless wandering.